Grade 1 Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education Curriculum (2019) These learning activities offer your children the opportunity to deepen their knowledge by strand of study. Student learning in the 2019 Health and Physical Education Curriculum includes three strands of study, as well as a cross-curricular strand, Social-Emotional Learning.
Social-Emotional Learning Skills This strand enables students to develop social-emotional skills that promote understanding of their overall health and well-being, including positive mental health and their ability to learn, improve resilience, and thrive.
Active Living This strand provides students with an understanding of the positive effects of active living by looking for ways to incorporate it into their daily lives safely and responsibly.
Movement Competence This strand allows students to practice and recognize the movement concepts necessary to perform various physical activities.
Healthy Living This strand allows students to recognize and practise daily healthy habits, including nutrition; safety and prevention; substance use, addiction, and related behaviours; personal development and sexual health; and mental health literacy.
Ontario Curriculum; this link opens in a new window.